55 research outputs found

    Modelling and Predicting the Growing Stock Volume in Small-Scale Plantation Forests of Tanzania Using Multi-Sensor Image Synergy

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    Remotely sensed assisted forest inventory has emerged in the past decade as a robust and cost efficient method for generating accurate information on forest biophysical parameters. The launching and public access of ALOS PALSAR-2, Sentinel-1 (SAR), and Sentinel-2 together with the associated open-source software, has further increased the opportunity for application of remotely sensed data in forest inventories. In this study, we evaluated the ability of ALOS PALSAR-2, Sentinel-1 (SAR) and Sentinel-2 and their combinations to predict growing stock volume in small-scale forest plantations of Tanzania. The effects of two variable extraction approaches (i.e., centroid and weighted mean), seasonality (i.e., rainy and dry), and tree species on the prediction accuracy of growing stock volume when using each of the three remotely sensed data were also investigated. Statistical models relating growing stock volume and remotely sensed predictor variables at the plot-level were fitted using multiple linear regression. The models were evaluated using the k-fold cross validation and judged based on the relative root mean square error values (RMSEr). The results showed that: Sentinel-2 (RMSEr = 42.03% and pseudo − R 2 = 0.63) and the combination of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 (RMSEr = 46.98% and pseudo − R 2 = 0.52), had better performance in predicting growing stock volume, as compared to Sentinel-1 (RMSEr = 59.48% and pseudo − R 2 = 0.18) alone. Models fitted with variables extracted from the weighted mean approach, turned out to have relatively lower RMSEr % values, as compared to centroid approaches. Sentinel-2 rainy season based models had slightly smaller RMSEr values, as compared to dry season based models. Dense time series (i.e., annual) data resulted to the models with relatively lower RMSEr values, as compared to seasonal based models when using variables extracted from the weighted mean approach. For the centroid approach there was no notable difference between the models fitted using dense time series versus rain season based predictor variables. Stratifications based on tree species resulted into lower RMSEr values for Pinus patula tree species, as compared to other tree species. Finally, our study concluded that combination of Sentinel-1&2 as well as the use Sentinel-2 alone can be considered for remote-sensing assisted forest inventory in the small-scale plantation forests of Tanzania. Further studies on the effect of field plot size, stratification and statistical methods on the prediction accuracy are recommended. </p

    Effect of forest structure and health on the relative surface temperature captured by airborne thermal imagery ­­ : Case study in Norway Spruce-dominated stands in Southern Finland

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    The effect of forest structure and health on the relative surface temperature captured by airborne thermal imagery was investigated in Norway Spruce-dominated stands in Southern Finland. Airborne thermal imagery, airborne scanning light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data and 92 field-measured sample plots were acquired at the area of interest. The surface temperature correlated most negatively with the logarithm of stem volume, Lorey’s height and the logarithm of basal area at a resolution of 254 m2 (9-m radius). LiDAR-derived metrics: the standard deviations of the canopy heights, canopy height (upper percentiles and maximum height) and canopy cover percentage were most strongly negatively correlated with the surface temperature. Although forest structure has an effect on the detected surface temperature, higher temperatures were detected in severely defoliated canopies and the difference was statistically significant. We also found that the surface temperature differences between the segmented canopy and the entire plot were greater in the defoliated plots, indicating that thermal images may also provide some additional information for classifying forests health status. Based on our results, the effects of forest structure on the surface temperature captured by airborne thermal imagery should be taken into account when developing forest health mapping applications using thermal imagery.Peer reviewe

    Maturation of Gut Microbiota and Circulating Regulatory T Cells and Development of IgE Sensitization in Early Life

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    Recent studies suggest that the cross-talk between the gut microbiota and human immune system during the first year of life is an important regulator of the later development of atopic diseases. We explored the changes in the gut microbiota, blood regulatory T cells, and atopic sensitization in a birth-cohort of Estonian and Finnish children followed from 3 to 36 months of age. We describe here an infant Treg phenotype characterized by high Treg frequency, the maturation of Treg population characterized by a decrease in their frequency accompanied with an increase in the highly activated Treg cells. These changes in Treg population associated first with the relative abundance of Bifidobacterium longum followed by increasing colonization with butyrate producing bacteria. High bifidobacterial abundance in the neonatal microbiota appeared to be protective, while colonization with Bacteroides and E. coli was associated with later risk of allergy. Estonian children with lower risk of IgE mediated allergic diseases than Finnish children showed an earlier maturation of the gut microbiota, detected as earlier switch to an increasing abundance of butyrate-producing bacteria, combined with an earlier maturation of Treg cell phenotype and total IgE production. The children with established allergic diseases by age 3 showed a decreased abundance of butyrate producing Faecalibacterium. These results suggest that as well as the maintenance of a bifidobacterial dominated gut microbiota is important during the first weeks of life, the overtake by butyrate producing bacteria seems to be a beneficial shift, which should not be postponed.Peer reviewe

    Kontiolahdella sijaitsevan Jukajoen alajuoksun limnologinen tila ja alustava kunnostussuunnitelma

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    Opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin Jukajoen limnologinen tila ja pohdittiin suistoalueelle sopivia kunnostustoimenpiteitä. Tutkimuksen keskipiste oli pohjasedimenttitutkimuksessa, kalastorakennetutkimuksessa ja vedenlaadun tarkkailussa. Lisäksi tehtiin riskianalyysi kunnostustoimenpiteiden tekemättä jättämiseen liittyvistä riskeistä suistoalueen vesiekosysteemille. Saatuja tuloksia vertailtiin Henna-Kaisa Meriläisen pro gradu tutkielmassa tehtyihin pohjasedimenttitutkimuksiin Jukajoen suistoalueella. Jukajoen suistoalue on Jukajoen valuma-alueen liettynein alue, joka sijaitsee Kontiolahden kunnan alueella. Suistoalueen pinta-ala on noin 41 ha ja yläpuolisen Jukajoen valumaalueen pinta-ala on noin 8 200 ha. Jukajoki ja sen osavaluma-alueet kuuluvat Jukajoen ja -järven valuma-alueen kunnostushankkeeseen. Koekalastuksen teki suistoalueella Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulu syksyllä 2017. Jukajoen suistoalueen merkityksellisimmät ongelmat ovat peräisin Jukajoen valumaaleelta vuosikymmenten aikana purkautuneesta kiintoaine- ja ravinnekuormituksesta. Korkean kuormituksen johdosta pohjaan on kertynyt höttömäinen, hyvin vesipitoinen musta sedimentti. Kunnostustoimenpiteiksi soveltuvat parhaiten pohjan imuruoppaus ja Jukajoen suistossa suoritettava hoitokalastus.The thesis studied Jukajoki's limnological status and considered the rehabilitation measures suitable for the estuary. Focus of the research was on bottom sedimentation research, structure of fish population and monitoring of water quality. In addition, a risk analysis was carried out on the risks associated with non-reforestation to the estuarine aquatic ecosystem. The results obtained were compared to the bottom sedimentation studies of Henna-Kaisa Meriläinen's master's thesis in Jukajoki estuary. Jukajoki estuary is one of the most sunken areas in the Jukajoki catchment area, located in municipality of Kontiolahti. Surface area of Jukajoki estuary is about 41 ha and catchment area of Jukajoki is about 8 200 ha. Jukajoki and its subdivisions are part of the Jukajoki project. Experimental fishing in the estuary has been done by the Karelia university of applied sciences in autumn 2017. The most significant problems in the Jukajoki estuary originate from the solids and nutrient loads discharged from the Jukajoki river basin for decades. Due to the high load, a black, sedimented, highly aqueous black deposit has accumulated on the bottom. The most suitable rehabilitation measures are bottom suction and management fishing

    Ensihoitopalveluiden saatavuuden parantaminen itäisen Suomenlahden saaristoon

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    Kansalaisten tulisi saada ensihoitopalveluita yhdenvertaisesti Suomessa, riippumatta siitä missä asuu tai oleskelee. Ensihoitopalvelun järjestämisvastuu siirtyy kunnilta sairaanhoitopiirien kuntayhtymille. Muutoksen tulee tapahtua viimeistään 1.1.2013. Itäinen Suomenlahti saaristoineen tuo haasteen ensihoitopalvelun yhdenvertaiselle toteutumiselle Kymenlaakson sairaanhoito- ja sosiaalipalveluiden kuntayhtymän (Carea) alueella. Kehittämishankkeen tarkoituksena oli parantaa ensihoitopalveluiden saatavuutta itäisen Suomenlahden saaristossa. Kehittämishankkeen tavoitteena oli kehittää olemassa olevaa toimintamallia ensihoitopalveluiden kohdentamiseksi itäisen Suomenlahden saaristoon. Kehittämishankkeen aikana laadittiin tarkennettu ensihoidon riskianalyysi itäisen Suomenlahden osalta. Riskianalyysissä kuvattiin toimintaympäristö, analysoitiin saaristoon kohdistuneita ensihoitotehtäviä, esiteltiin olemassa olevia toimintamalleja ja kartoitettiin viranomaisten ja vapaaehtoisjärjestöjen käytössä oleva alus- ja kelirikkokalusto. Riskianalyysin tuloksia hyödynnettiin tapaamisessa, johon osallistui viranomaisia ja vapaaehtoisjärjestöjen edustajia itäiseltä Suomenlahdelta. Tapaamisessa viranomaiset ja vapaaehtoisjärjestöjen edustajat pääsivät kertomaan omista toimintaedellytyksistä tukea ensihoitopalvelun toimintaa. Riskikartoituksen, kehittämishankkeen tietoperustan ja viranomaisten sekä vapaaehtoisjärjestöjen edustajien tapaamisen avulla laadittiin toimintaohje ensihoitopalveluiden kohdentamiseksi itäisen Suomenlahden saaristoon.Citizens should be given equal emergency medical services regardless of their place of residence. Organizational responsibility of emergency medical services will change over from municipalities to hospital districts federations of municipalities. The change must take place on 1st January 2013 at the latest. Eastern Gulf of Finland and its archipelago causes a challenge to equal implementation of emergency medical services in the region of Federation of Municipalities for Hospital and Social services in Kymenlaakso. Purpose of the development project was to improve the availability of emergency medical services in the archipelago of Eastern Gulf of Finland. The aim of the project was to develop the existing standard of activity for allocating the emergency medical services to the archipelago of Eastern Gulf of Finland. A defined risk analysis for emergency medical care at Eastern Gulf of Finland was compiled during the development project. The risk analysis included a description of operational environment, an analysis of emergency medical care duties at the archipelago, an introduction of the existing standards of activity and a mapping of craft and frost heave equipment available to the authorities and voluntary organizations. The results of the risk analysis were utilized in the meeting that involved authorities and representatives of voluntary organizations from Eastern Gulf of Finland. In the meeting the authorities and voluntary organizations had a possibility to describe their operational preconditions in supporting the emergency medical service. A standard of activity for allocating emergency medical services to archipelago of Eastern Gulf of Finland was constructed on the grounds of the risk analysis, the theory part of the development project and the meeting of the authorities and voluntary organizations

    Ohjelmistorobotiikka (RPA) osana asiakaspalveluprosessia

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli perehtyä ohjelmistorobotiikkaan (Robotic Process Automation, RPA) ja tutustua sen tarjoamiin mahdollisuuksiin prosessien automatisoinnissa. Tarkoitus oli saada kokemusta RPA-ohjelmiston käytöstä, tutustua ohjelmistorobotiikkaan teknologiana ja tuoda esiin sen hyötyjä ja haittoja. Opinnäytetyössä käydään läpi automaation historia sekä tekoälyn ja ohjelmistorobotiikan kehityksen vaiheet. Toteutukseen valittu ohjelmisto sekä ohjelmistorobotiikkasovellusten yleiset ominaisuudet esitellään. Käytännön toteutuksessa automatisoitu prosessi oli uuden kuituliittymäasiakkaan tietojen lisääminen toimeksiantajan asiakastietojärjestelmään. Lopuksi käydään läpi opinnäytetyöprosessia, ammatillista kehittymistä ja ohjelmistorobotiikan soveltuvuutta yritysten prosessien automatisointiin. Lisäksi pohditaan tekoälyn vaikutuksia automaatiototeutuksiin tulevaisuudessa.The aim of the thesis was to explore software robotics (Robotic Process Automation, RPA) and to learn about the possibilities it offers in automating processes. The purpose was to gain experience in using the RPA software, to familiarize with software robotics as a technology and to highlight its benefits and disadvantages. The thesis covers the history of automation, the development of artificial intelligence and software robotics. The program selected for implementation as well as usual features of software robotics applications are introduced. As a practical implementation of the automated process was entering the information of a new fiber connection client’s information into the commissioner’s customer database. Finally, the thesis process, professional development and the suitability of software robotics for the automation of enterprise processes are reviewed. In addition, the future impact of artificial intelligence on automation is considered

    Sähköurakoinnin toimintamalli

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    Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli tutustua sähköurakointiin yleisesti ja laatia sähköurakointiyritykselle sähköurakan toimintamalli. Toimintamalli on yrityksen työnjohdolle yksinkertainen ja selkeä runko sähköurakan toteuttamiseen. Siinä esitellään urakan tärkeimmät vaiheet ja henkilöstön vastuut. Toimintamalli on myös kaikille yrityksen työntekijöille ohje yrityksen toimintatavoista. Toimintamalli on laadittu Kotkan Sähkötyö Oy:n edustajan kanssa pidettyjen palavereiden sekä alan säännösten ja kirjallisuuden perusteella. Tämän työn tuloksena laadittiin Kotkan Sähkötyö Oy:lle sähköurakointiin kirjallinen ohje, jonka avulla kuvataan yrityksen tapaa toimia, tapaa johtaa toimintaa sekä keinoja, joilla jatkuvasti parantaa ja kehittää toimintaansa sähköurakoinnissa.The aim of this thesis was to get acquainted in electric contracting and draft an operations model for electric contracting company. The operations model is a simple guideline for supervisors of work how to do the performance of duties electric contract. The operations model tells the most important phases of the electric contract and what are the employees’ responsibilities. The operations model is also an instruction for the company’s operation mode. The operations model has been prepared on the basis of literature sources and interviews at Kotkan Sähkötyö Inc. The goal of this thesis was to make a literary work for Kotkan Sähkötyö Inc about electric contracting, in which describes how the company operates, how the company leads the operation and how the company will improve and develop their operation in electric contracting

    Uuden radiolinkkisukupolven sulautettu prosessoriympäristö

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    Nykyisten solukkoverkkojen kapasiteetti on joillakin alueilla loppumassa. Myös peittoaluetta täytyy laajentaa. Pysyäkseen kilpailukykyisinä operaattorit etsivät keinoja rakentaa uusia ja laajentaa jo olemassa olevia solukkoverkkoja. Nokia Telecommunications on kehittänyt kaksi uuden radiolinkkisukupolven tuoteperhettä - FlexiHopper ja MetroHopper tuoteperheet - helpottaakseen solukkoverkkojen - transmissio-osan rakentamista. Koska uusissa radiolinkeissä on paljon ominaisuuksia, sulautetun ohjelmiston määrä koko tuotteessa on kasvanut huimasti. Radiolinkin ohjauksen ja sulautetun ohjelmiston käytön mahdollistamiseksi tarvittiin uusi sulautettu mikroprosessoriympäristö uusiin radiolinkkeihin. Tuloksena kehitettiin ja suunniteltiin taloudellinen, luotettava, uudenaikainen ja tehokas sulautettu mikroprosessorisysteemi, joka sovitettiin kolmeen tuotteeseen: FlexiHopper 19-tuumaiseen sisäyksikköön ja ulkoyksikköön sekä MetroHopper ulkoyksikköön

    Designing a clock cycle accurate application with high-level synthesis

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    During the recent years, high-level synthesis (HLS) has gained traction as a viable alternative to traditional handwritten register transfer level code in describing digital systems. This has been attributed to the maturing of the HLS tools and improving quality of their results. However, most published applications are data path intensive as HLS offers good tools for loop optimization, such as pipelining and loop unrolling. HLS is seldom applied to control-oriented applications since clock is not explicitly present in HLS source code. In this paper, we show how a clock cycle accurate application can be described with HLS. We give as a proof of concept an implementation of an FPGA-based I2C bus controller for an audio codec using Catapult C, and present a generalized work flow. Compared with a corresponding handwritten VHDL implementation, the HLS version consumes 84% more area at the same performance but productivity is increased by 100% at the first design time and even more with further design iterations.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Efficient Mode Decision Schemes for HEVC Inter Prediction

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    The emerging HEVC standard reduces the bit rate by almost 40% over the preceding state-of-the-art standard AVC with the same objective quality but at about 40% encoding complexity overhead. The main reason for HEVC complexity is inter prediction that accounts for 60-70% of the whole encoding time. This paper analyzes the rate-distortion-complexity (RDC) characteristics of the HEVC inter prediction as a function of different block partition structures and puts the analysis results into practice by developing optimized mode decision schemes for the HEVC encoder. The HEVC inter prediction involves three different partition modes: square motion partition (Square), symmetric motion partition (SMP), and asymmetric motion partition (AMP) out of which the decision of SMPs and AMPs are optimized in this work. The key optimization techniques behind the proposed schemes are 1) a conditional evaluation of the SMP modes, 2) range limitations primarily in the SMP sizes and secondarily in the AMP sizes, and 3) a selection of the SMP and AMP ranges as a function of the quantization parameter. These three techniques can be seamlessly incorporated in the existing control structures of the HEVC reference encoder (HM) without limiting its potential parallelization, hardware acceleration, or speed-up with other existing encoder optimizations. Our experiments show that the proposed schemes are able to cut the average complexity of HM encoder by 31-51% at a cost of 0.2-1.3% bit rate increase under the random access (RA) coding configuration. The respective values under the low-delay B (LB) coding configuration are 32-50% and 0.3-1.3%.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe